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For the Love of Elves (World Walker Book 1)
For the Love of Elves (World Walker Book 1) Read online
For the
Love of
Shawn Keys
For more information about the Author
Cover Art by:
Christina Patricia Myrvold
Freelance Concept Artist/Illustrator
To view her portfolio, visit:
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Harem Lit Facebook Discussion Group
Originally Published by Shawn Keys
Copyright © October 2019
ISBN: 978-1-9992853-3-3
Quick Links to Chapters:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 1
Ajax was no scholar. At times, he was forced to wonder what he knew as the truth and what was false buried under lies and innuendo. He’d been asking himself that a lot lately. Hell, the world was changing all the time, wasn’t it? What was true one day got tossed on its head the next. That’s life.
But he had just discovered one undeniable truth.
Elfish women were fucking amazing in bed.
The cheap inn’s bed barely qualified as one. Ajax was keeping a low profile as he traveled. Especially now, considering what he was guarding and who he was hiding from. He had rented the most claustrophobic, private room at the inn, more like a hole-in-the-wall at the back of the storage basement. The bed was a small stack of planks a little wider than him with a hastily sewn together burlap sack stuffed with sand for a mattress. A copper penny had bought him a night; couldn’t beat that.
Then he had stuffed himself into a back bench in the common room and hawked down a large helping of venison with a decent enough carrot and dumpling stew. Decent enough, and the local ale wasn’t total swill. He’d drained a mug and been half-way through his second when Krizzilani made her appearance.
Dark elves were bad news. Common knowledge. And Ajax had met more than a few that all confirmed the reputation. Wasn’t totally the fault of each elf. Elves were fae, and fae aligned to the natural environment that spawned them. They could never quite escape the elemental nature in their blood, and dark elves aligned with the dark. The shadows. Hidden secrets and concealed blades. Didn’t make them evil, but a society built on that sort of thing was bound to be harsh and unforgiving. So were most dark elves.
No surprise then that this one entered the inn/tavern with the hood of her cloak pulled over her head. No surprise that she tucked herself into a seat in the back corner near Ajax. Dark elves weren’t attacked on sight except by sun and moon elves, but they were bad omens. If they were too open about walking around, they were sure to cause trouble. Either they’d be kicked out, or end up killing the one who tried. Then as soon as rumor told of a dark elf causing trouble, the nearest sun elf lord would whistle up his loyal gendarmes and ‘purge the blight’ from their kingdom. That never turned out well.
Krizzilani was trying to escape notice. She ordered with a whisper and didn’t say two words to anyone except the serving maid.
Then her golden eyes settled on him.
He’d been floored from that moment on. Her refined beauty, whispering-almost-haunting laugh, and quick wit had been captivating. She’d asked why he was hanging in the shadows with the rest of the outcasts. Ajax was a powerful presence, a relative giant among humans. He didn’t fit with the normal blackguard skulkers, fencers and thieves who clung to the shadows. He’d brushed off the question, saying he didn’t enjoy crowds.
He remembered her witty, suggestive answer to that. “So, you hate company?”
He’d managed what might pass for being clever, “I’m just selective about the company I keep.”
She’d tested him. “You haven’t chased me away.”
“For you? I’ve got all night.”
Things had gone very well from there.
The road was hard and lonely. For Ajax, that was on purpose. He wasn’t trudging through formerly hostile territory on a lark. He did have a purpose, even if he wasn’t totally sure how he was going to accomplish it. That didn’t make being alone any easier.
Her touches on his skin had been flirtatious. The idea of a bed down in the basement where no-one would hear a thing they did was tempting.
Which led them to this moment.
Ajax was laid out on his back, the braided mane of his thick black hair pillowed behind his head. His clothes were a forgotten memory, cast onto the floor a couple hours ago. The two lanterns shedding light on the cloistered room flickered ruddy orange light on his skin which was tanned from hundreds of days under the bright sky. The impressive crags of his muscled chest and python arms cast valleys of shadows between them, emphasizing his raw strength.
But his tinted skin was pale in comparison to the night-black silk that was Krizzilani. Straddled over him, she danced on him with erotic beauty. Her hands were tussling her stark white locks spilling off her head in a seductive wave of coiled braids. She was barely five feet, and her elfish bones and sleek fae physique made her light as a feather yet durable as iron.
Perfect for throwing around a bedroom until she screamed.
Right then, she was riding him with lustful energy, letting out cries of building orgasm. Ajax wasn’t far behind, struggling to hold out a little longer as her inner walls clenched around him in a wet vise unlike anything he’d ever felt. It had taken time for him to enter her, letting her adjust to his girth. Now, he couldn’t imagine his cock could feel any more perfect buried in anyone else.
Elves didn’t take humans or non-elves to bed. That was pretty much a law. They dared not sully their bloodlines. They dared not sully their reputations. Or a dozen other excuses born from their haughty superiority. Ajax was sure a few of them ‘slummed it’ once in a while, but it was hardly a common thing. But here they were, and he wasn’t going to spurn whatever strange urge that had overtaken Krizzilani to want this.
Ajax wasn’t falsely modest. He wasn’t fully human, a secret he carried close to his chest. That hidden heritage granted him a near-seven-foot tall stature. His manhood could stretch out a woman enough to make her gasp. But Krizzilani was wrapped around him like a second skin. Inside her, he felt like a fucking monster. That was wonderful for the ego, and her rising screams of ecstasy just made that better. Made him swell more, which sent her into a greater frenzy.
Reaching her peak, Krizzilani’s flawless, pert breasts bounced deliciously in front of his eyes. Her firm nipples crowned the mounds that were a touch too large for her body, a typical trait of elfish fertility. Her skin was true-black, tinted with inky blue, and now shone in the lantern like with the sheen of her sweat. Her eyes were closed in bliss as she rode him, the perfect image of petite elfish beauty. Her mouth parted with a gasp, then she let out a keen of pure passion as her efforts launched her into a shattering orgasm.
Ajax clutched to her hips and pummeled up into her with thrust after thrust. As she lost control, he unleashed his own lust to prolong her climax even more. She clenched harder around him in response, and it was his turn to lose control. Growling like his most primitive ancestors, he blasted
a torrent of molten cum into her depths. Their juices mingled together into a steamy cocktail. They kept pounding at each other until the last drop of orgasmic fire went out.
She crumbled onto his broad chest in a breathless heap. Panting, her fingers stroked along his skin in tingling caresses, light enough to raise gooseflesh.
He grumbled, “Mmmm, that feels good.”
She sighed deeply. “Don’t get used to it. There’s a rule: dark elves don’t cuddle.”
“Hate to tell you this, but this feels like cuddling.”
She shivered on top of him in a lovely sort of way. “Mmmmm… can’t help it. You’re so…”
Unsure of why she paused, Ajax prompted her, “So?”
He snorted softly, making her rise and fall on his chest. “Is that so?”
She kissed his chest to take away the sting of the word. “Hush. You know I mean it in a good way. There’s a burly quality to you. Hard like the mountain stone. Beyond strength, but rather a core that feels like it couldn’t ever break. And you…” She managed to sound embarrassed. “…handle me. Elfish men are dexterous and clever and smooth and skilled in their bed-play. But this was… something else.”
He rumbled a chuckle, flattered despite his normal caution. Hard to ignore a compliment like that. Especially when he was still inside her, feeling the drip of their shared cum leaking down his shaft. “Bet you say that to all the males who couldn’t resist you.”
Answering first with a small laugh, Krizzilani sighed and snuggled her breasts into Ajax’s chest. He swept his arms around her in approval, tucking her in tightly against him. Peaceful silence washed over them. For a woman who didn’t cuddle, she did an amazing job faking it.
Into that silence came a soft tick, tick, tick, tick…
From a life spent in utter darkness, any sound drew a dark elf’s attention. Krizzilani was no exception. Her eyes opened, and she peered up at the wall. Hanging from a nail was the pendant that had, until very recently, been hanging around Ajax’s neck. The fury of their coupling had shaken the walls a little and made the pendant’s chain dance on its hook. It was slowly coming to a rest. The pendant was a small representation of a lantern, though a more ancient sort than the ones lighting the room. Ornate, crafted from black metal with a crystal core encapsulating a red gemstone to symbolize fire. It was ticking against the wooden wall gently before it came to a stop.
She scrutinized it sharply.
Ajax knew why. At least, partially why. All elves were sensitive to magic, and the aura surrounding the pendant was strong. He had made sure of that. It was also confused, like a dozen different magical auras crammed into a relatively tiny vessel so it became impossible to tell what the mystical power was for: to destroy, create, heal, detect, locate, conceal… a little bit of everything all at once.
After she extracted any information she could by herself, Krizzilani asked carefully, “That wouldn’t be dangerous, now would it?”
Ajax pretended to be unsure what she was asking about. Following her gaze to the pendant, he let out another rumbling chuckle from deep in his chest. Totally unconcerned. “Would I carry it around my neck if it was?”
She nestled back into him. “You are a human, aren’t you?” She said it matter-of-factly, as if to say that all humans normally wouldn’t know the true depths of the magic they messed around with when given the chance.
He didn’t take the mild insult to heart. It was born of a centuries old prejudice. Instead, he gave a non-committal grunt. He hated lying unless he had to. His knightly oaths didn’t technically bind him anymore, but his old habits died as hard as elfish racism. So he let her think whatever she wanted.
Taking his grunt as confirmation, Krizzilani said, “Humans do all sorts of odd things, especially when magic is involved. Comes from being mortal. No patience to learn correctly.”
Not trying to pick a fight, Ajax defended his father’s race softly but valiantly, “Or they know how to take better risks.”
Krizzilani took his comment in good spirits. She brushed her hands over him again. “I risked climbing into bed with you, didn’t I? What would my elfish sisters think, were they to find out I’d bedded a human?” She peered up at him with mischief in her eyes.
Ajax knew dark elves were rogues and not to be trusted, but… well, damn, the simmering heat behind her golden eyes had his phallus waking up inside of her all over again.
She felt him move, and her laugh was joyfully wicked in the warm bedroom air. “Guess I haven’t quite tired you out. I thought you were more ready for sleep than any man had ever been.”
“I’m not?”
She issued a thick, sultry laugh. “A woman can tell when all the heat is gone from a man. That’s a sleep like nothing else.” She crawled up his body, and gave a soft sigh of loss as his thick spear slipped from her tight body. Then, she started to sink down his chest, kissing him along the way.
Ajax collapsed into the bed and unleashed a prolonged moan of drunken pleasure. The way she was progressing down his body was suggestive, but this couldn’t be what he thought it was! An elf sucking a human’s manhood between her lips? That is truly unheard of! On a whim or a dare, an elf might… might!… take a human to bed. But never in the wildest recounting by such fortunate souls did an elfish woman ever deign to take a human cock in her mouth!
Despite the brief surge fantasy, this time Krizzilani proved no different. Her mouth stopped on his stomach, kissing his rock-hard muscles while lingering low enough to scoop his shaft into both of her hands. Her clever fingers swarmed over him, rippling up and down his phallus, and then leaned in to glide her breasts against his heated skin.
He groaned in unabashed pleasure. He might never feel her mouth around him, but her sweet attentions were more than enough to stir his blood. She flashed him a devilish smile, and her fingers stroked lower, cupping and tingling his balls as she pumped him into greater fervor.
He wasn’t about to tell her, but her plan was backfiring horribly. Because sleep was the furthest thing from his mind!
Chapter 2
Nothing lasted forever. Ajax had tried to prolong the dream as long as he could, but Krizzilani wouldn’t be denied. When she had finally finished him, the errant knight had been totally and utterly spent. As she predicted, he had been unable to keep his eyes open. In truth, with her lithe, night-skinned figure cradled in his arms, he hadn’t tried all that hard.
The sun was up now. There were no windows in the room, but he could tell with the village roosters crowing. Ajax reclined on the bed, giving himself a few more minutes to wake up.
Krizzilani was gone. Naturally.
So was the pendant. Equally expected.
A part of him was disappointed.
Not in her; she was a dark elf, and a little treachery was in her nature. In fact, since he had woken up alive, that meant she liked him. Her cunning fingers and a little stealth would have been enough to steal the necklace from him if she wanted to play it that way. Instead, she’d given him the night of his life before slipping away with her prize. All in all, she had been rather nice about the whole thing.
No, he was disappointed in his own choices. Oh, it felt worth it now! But he might feel differently when the time came for him to trick the next person.
He padded over to his backpack and pulled out a small cloth-wrapped bundle from a hidden pouch. Undoing the strings, he plucked out a perfect replica of the lantern-pendant. He gave it a smile as he swung it back and forth in the low light. “Your turn.”
When he had fled his homeland, he’d only had the gold to commission two of the fakes. Each one had an illusion more powerful than the last. If the first was stolen and the same thief came looking for the next one, the thief would believe the next one was genuine as it would appear stronger than the first. This was enspelled with an illusion that made it seem ten times stronger than the one Krizzilani had stolen away. If he lost this one, he wouldn’t have a decoy any longer. He couldn’t
imagine an illusionist who could put a stronger fake-magic upon such an item.
He whispered the command word and activated the magic. Until then, it was invisible and mundane. The hidden ‘potential’ of the item surged to life. It was now masquerading as the magical artifact so many were after. He shook his head sadly. An artifact no-one should ever get their hands on. Especially not one of the power-mad, sun elf kings.
Leaving behind thoughts of the past, he pushed his few belongings into his pack and got ready to go. He laughed at his meagre possessions. He had been a knight in his past. But travelling in resplendent armor astride a stalwart warhorse in full barding wasn’t the way to slip through enemy lands unnoticed. He was deep in the territory of an elfish king who was an old rival to his own former lord. It was the easiest way to dodge his old king’s patrols. And he wasn’t famous, merely one of many human knights that served below the elfish gendarmes and their moon elf squires. There was no reason he would be recognized, as long as he wasn’t stupid enough to wear his livery and armor or go bragging about the proper privileges he was due as a knight of the realms.
Then again, Krizzilani had found him. Maybe this tactic wasn’t so smart after all?
Heaving the pack onto his back, he stomped up the stairs and over to the bar. A mug of water to slake his thirst, and he was ready for the road. Another day of walking, and he would be another day closer to the coastline where he could catch a merchant ship to lands even further from his old king’s reach.
He emerged into the half-sun, half-cloud of a warm spring day. Pleasant. A good day for walking. All around him, the light wooded region of Hergamar resonated with life. The village was carved out of the forest wilderness, though not using harsh tactics. The elfish lords of the realms demanded their subjects to learn to live in what passed for cooperation with nature. The tavern / inn was built near to the edge of town, on the meandering path leading from one side of the large woodland to the other. It was just wide enough for a cart to trundle along.